
Monday, March 4, 2013

Kayla's Quiet Book

I love how bright and colorful today's quiet book is! It was made by Kayla of Double Tha Love, and I love that the colors of the cover match with the pages inside the book. My favorite page is probably her rainbow page - it's such a neat idea. She also has a Hello Kitty page, which is really unique and fun. So, enjoy!


What's your name? Describe yourself in one sentence.
My name is Kayla, I'm a busy mom of twin boys who loves anything DIY, and also runs my own blog design shop!

Who did you make this quiet book for? 
I made this quiet book for my 2 year old niece, Myah!

What's your level of sewing experience? 
Not beginner, but not intermediate :/

How long did it take you?
It took me probably close to 30+ hours all together, and it took me about 3 months to finish.

Did you use any templates? 
I didn't use any template, I just looked for ideas online and mimicked them! A lot of my pages were just random, thought up pages.

How did you bind your quiet book? 
I used metal rings that were attached to a spine of the cover to hold it all together. Each page had 2 metal hoops that I attached in them which slipped onto the metal rings on the spine.

What material are the pages made out of? 
I used all felt so I didnt have to worry about fraying ends!

What other materials did you use? 
Buttons, a zipper, a lock and key, pipe cleaner, snaps, velcro, and thread. I also added a notepad and crayons to one of the pages.

How much did all the supplies cost you? 
I didn't keep track! But I would think somewhere in the ball park of $20. Most of the supplies I had on hand, I thrifted all of the velcro, snaps, thread, zipper, and the rest I purchased from the dollar store! Frugal was my aim :)

What's your favorite page? Why? 
I have two favorite pages, and this is why: the Hello Kitty page was specially made for my niece because she is completely obsessed with Hello Kitty, so A LOT of love went into that page dreaming it up and creating it! BUT, that being said, I think the rainbow page was my favorite because it had the most detail. I would not, however, create that page ever again and HIGHLY suggest that if you create that page, that you have a ton of patience!

To view Kayla's quiet book on her blog, click here. Thank you for sharing your awesome quiet book with us, Kayla!

Have you made a quiet book that you'd like to share? Click here to learn how to submit your own quiet book!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Joanna's Quiet Book

Today's quiet book is all the way from Poland! It was made by Joanna of Hobbiko, and I love how bright and colorful it is. She explains in her blog that Quiet Books are not common in Poland, and I am so impressed at how it all came together! I think one of my favorites is the tooth-brushing page - I haven't seen one like that before and think that it would make a great (and encouraging) activity page.


What's your name? Describe yourself in one sentence.
My name is Joanna, I'm from Poland. I like creating, sewing, reading, playing instruments and...I only wish to have more time for all this! :)

Who did you make this quiet book for? How old are they?
It's for my first daughter, I'd like to give it as a present for her second birthday (or sooner, we'll see :)

What's your level of sewing experience?
Definitely it's not high. I love sewing simple but practical things - for example a bag for "car accessories" for my husband. :)

How long did it take you?
It was about 3 months...I used to sew in the evenings, in my spare time when the baby finally went to sleep. :)

Did you use any templates? Where can they be found?
I used some ideas found on Internet and changed them. I'd say that there were no templates, just inspirations. For example, there are many quiet book pages of post boxes, but in Poland they look totally different than in USA so I needed to adjust this idea to our reality. :)

How did you bind your quiet book?
I simply sewed all pages together.

What material are the pages made out of?
The pages are made of two layers of cotton with special sponge in between.

What other materials did you use?
Velcro, buttons, ribbons, other accessories.

How much did all the supplies cost you?
About $15.

What's your favorite page? Why?
Hmm..I somehow like the page with girl's head - you can comb her hair ..:) She definitely isn;t a beauty but I like her anyway :) And I think that the cover of the book looks really nice.

Do I plan to sew another quiet book?
Yes! This time it will be "Number book" :)

To see Joanna's quiet book on her blog (where she has more instructions on how she made it), click here.  Thank you so much, Joanna, for sharing your quiet book with us! It's wonderful. :)

Have you made a quiet book that you'd like to share? Click here for instructions on how to submit your own quiet book.