
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Douaa's Sponge Quiet Book

It always amazes me how creative people can be when making quiet books, and I am so impressed with how Douaa from the blog Montessori World made this quiet book for her son. She made it using stiff sponges for pages, and using adhesive tape and glue to attach the designs to the pages. The whole book took her only five hours to make, in one day! That's definitely one of the fastest quiet books I've ever heard of. What a great, fast project if you want to make an easy quiet book!

I really like Douaa's page designs, especially the bunny that eats carrots. That is so cute and fun; I know I would have so much fun "feeding" the rabbit the carrots, let alone my kids. I'm totally making that page in the future. :D So, please enjoy Douaa's quiet book!


What's your name? Describe yourself in one sentence. 
My name is Douaa; I'm a pharmacist, mom of one. I'm interested in early learning of him with beautiful and innovative activities and tools.

Who did you make this quiet book for? How old are they? 
18-months old Hamza.

What's your level of sewing experience? 

How long did it take you?
Five hours in one day.

Did you use any templates? Where can they be found? 
No, I drew them myself.

How did you bind your quiet book? 
I used a cable tie!

What material are the pages made out of? 
You won't believe! ... I used the firm dishes sponges. XD I hot glued each two together to make one page of the book.

What other materials did you use? 
Felt, compressed foam, velcro, pipes cleaner.

How much did all the supplies cost you? 
Less than $4.

What's your favorite page? Why? 
My favorite is the Rabbit page, I love the idea. Hamza's favorite is the chicken page.

To see Douaa's quiet book on her own blog (with more pictures and description), click here: Montessori World: Interactive Activity Book.

Thank you so much for sharing your awesome quiet book with us, Douaa!

Have you made a quiet book that you'd like to share? Click here for instructions on how to submit your own quiet book!